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A Farewell: ‘I love you’, Footsteps entering a hospital corridor. It’s a woman holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Her smile was developed, which indicates a good mood. She greeted the passing nurse and got the same smile in return. Almost all the nurses at the hospital knew her. Theresa Amberlynn. A woman who always comes at dusk. Her goal’s clearly not to work at the hospital, even though she’s a medical student. Because she doesn’t yet hold the title of doctor to be able to serve in the hospital.

After reaching the third story via the stairs, she made a U-turn at the intersection next to the stairs. She frequently visits the VIP patient room at the end of the hallway and inhaled deeply and exhaled gently before rapping on the door. She must appear upbeat in an attempt to keep the mood from becoming depressing. When Theresa hears a voice replying, she knocks on the door and opens it and said, “Hallo Mark!” with joy. She gives the man who is ailing a bunch of flowers that she brought.

She spotted Mark Willowind, the man whose grin was the nicest she had ever seen. With a soft grin, the man accepted the flowers. He has a particular fondness for purple orchids. Are you alone yourself? “Where’s your mother?” Mark places the floral arrangement on the nightstand afterwards the vehicle. “My mother is taking a break.” With sadness, he stated it. Theresa fixed her gaze intently on Mark’s attractive features. His physique shrinks with each passing day. His full cheeks become slender. There seemed to be no light in his big eyes.

When the doctor determines that he has terminal brain cancer, his sport-related pastime must go. After that, he had to take it easy. Walking about in the morning and afternoon is no longer happening. He was confined to his patient’s room. If cancer cells invade his brain and produce excruciating agony, expect delays in management.


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